Questions? We’ve got answers
We offer an extensive range of subjects for high school across English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies and The Arts. You can find an up-to-date list of all the subjects we offer on our subjects page. You can also read more on the latest content releases in our help centre.
You can cancel your account at any time if you are paying monthly by turning off automatic renewal before your next payment date. If you are paying yearly you are still able to cancel your subscription, however, keep in mind the cancellation will only take effect once the year runs out.
Yes! We offer free trials for students, parents and schools. Try it free now →
All our paid student and parent subscriptions are debited in advance. That is, we bill you at the start of each period. This will go on until you choose to turn off automatic renewal or the world ends, whichever comes first! Get in touch to learn how school billing works.
Yes. For all our payments we use Stripe, which is one of the most reputable global payment gateways and meets the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. So you can rest assured that your credit card details are safe.
Yes, we do! Installing the app makes it faster and easier to use Atomi, so why not give it a go? Check out how to install the app in our help centre.
Feeling the love from students, teachers and parents
Bede Taylor,
99.45 ATAR Graduate
Michael Rose
Academic Dean for PE, The Cathedral College
Harriet Hill
Parent of a Year 8 student