Starting 2022 right: Goal setting resources for students

Just as we said in 2021 (and in 2020), 2022 will be a year like no other. While most schools are returning to the classroom, the disruptions and uncertainty that come with COVID will still impact the way we teach and learn.
With so much going on, it can be difficult to stay focused. That’s why goal setting at the start of the year is so important. By writing their own academic goals, students can think about what they want to achieve and how exactly they plan to do it, taking control of their learning.
At Atomi, we want to help you and your students get a head start this year, that’s why we’re offering our Goal Setting series to you, for free! This pack covers everything you need to run a goal setting session, including video lessons as well as downloadable resources to share with your students, all free to access now.
Looking for more teaching resources? Be sure to check out the Atomi Staffroom 🧑💻
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