101 Common mistakes you must avoid at A-Level

Remember when you forgot to save the document the night before the assignment was due? Or when you were sitting in that GCSE Chemistry exam and wondering why you finished a good 10 minutes before everyone else only to find with one minute left that there was a back page? (I actually did that…)
Throughout our time at school we’ve all made stupid mistakes, and hey, your friends found them pretty funny at the time - even if you didn’t. But your A-Levels are also actually kinda important (as your parents probably keep saying), and so squeezing out these silly mistakes now is a good idea.
Now - even though we all got our As here at Atomi, most of us are still pretty lacking in the common sense department. So between us we had a good laugh about all the mistakes we made and all the times we were left thinking our life could be the next Series of Unfortunate Events book.
Basically, we put together a list of 101 stupid mistakes that we made so that you don’t have to:
- Misreading the question
- Telling yourself you can do it tomorrow
- Getting the due date wrong
- Missing a page in an exam
- Attempting past papers and not marking them
- Doing the wrong section of the paper... one that your school actually didn't do
- Forgetting to save your work
- Forgetting to back up your work
- Studying in chronological order, not priority order
- Thinking that something "won't take that long"
- Never reading the actual syllabus
- Not sticking to the word limit
- Disregarding the keywords of the question
- Not checking your answers
- Not looking at the clock
- Not allocating enough time per question
- Forgetting to bring a spare pen
- Writing too much or too little
- Making study notes and never returning to them
- Not making a copy of handwritten stuff
- Leaving questions unanswered
- Forgetting to return to unanswered questions
- Forgetting to write your name/student number on your work
- Answering multiple choice questions in the wrong space
- Drinking too much water before your exam
- Not drinking enough water before your exam
- Writing excessively long notes
- Using other people's notes instead of making your own
- Not putting enough effort into early assessments
- Forgetting to convert your units in maths/science
- “Refer to Source A”… forgetting to refer to source A
- “Refer to Source B”… referring to Source A
- Forgetting to hand your phone in before an exam
- Leaving your study notes hanging out of your pocket in an exam
- Deciding to pull an all-nighter the night before an exam
- Getting the wrong time for an exam
- Only studying when you have an assessment coming up
- Not checking the prerequisites for uni courses
- Only using one method of studying
- Not talking to your teachers outside of class
- Forgetting to put in your UCAS applications
- Not getting someone to proofread your essays
- Leaving an assessment till the night before
- Leaving an assessment till the morning of
- Thinking that group study is ineffective
- Cramming too much information to memorise
- Panicking during or before an exam
- Arriving late to your exam
- Not making the most of reading time
- Jumping straight into writing without planning
- Having illegible handwriting
- Not showing your working out
- Thinking that reading the textbook counts as study
- Not allowing time for a conclusion
- Making basic spelling/grammar mistakes
- Making basic calculation errors
- Ignoring the trends of past papers
- Having a cheeky look at your neighbour’s response*
- Leaving the exam room early
- Spending too much time on one subject
- Only studying the ‘fun’ or ‘easy’ topics
- Only doing the type of questions you can already answer
- Thinking that highlighting is effective study
- Letting yourself be distracted by other people in the exam room
- Not practicing handwriting your responses
- Not practicing in timed conditions
- Setting unrealistic goals
- Never attempting a full practice paper in one go until the exam
- Spending too much time procrastinating by formatting
- Thinking you can stick to an unrealistic study schedule
- Procrastinating by making ‘to do lists’
- Letting one bad mark stop you from putting in effort
- Getting too caught up on marks to help others
- Thinking you have the ability to predict possible questions
- Not structuring your response
- Writing essays without an argument
- Not supporting yourself with enough quotes/evidence
- Making errors with the order of operations
- Regurgitating a memorised response without adapting it
- Not making the most of your study periods
- Putting too much pressure on yourself
- Not taking sufficient breaks
- Misinterpreting the key terms in a question
- Providing multiple answers and hoping that one is correct
- Using big words you don’t know the meaning of
- Including irrelevant information for the sake of it
- Not using a pencil and ruler for diagrams in Science
- Incorrectly rounding significant figures
- Ignoring the weighting of assessments
- Not watching Atomi videos – sorry, I had to.
- Going off on a tangent in essays
- Letting what other people have done freak you out
- Taking easy questions for granted
- Not moving on after a bad exam
- Not planning your study around your exam timetable
- Second-guessing your initial response
- Dwelling on a question you can’t answer
- Only looking at the mark and not reading feedback
- Answering a question twice
- Adding up how many marks you think you got
- Not numbering your writing books correctly
*this one can get you into serious trouble
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